Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Xmas Spuds AZ style
Thursday, December 10, 2009
An update of sorts...
Just this past weekend Uncle Larry and I headed out to Pittsburgh for the 20th Annual Dirt Rag Punk Bike Enduro. Another great time was had in the company of 230+ of our muddiest friends.
This year as opposed to last we did some of the races that are held during the ride. This was cool because you didn't have to wait behind for the pack to move, you went first...even if you weren't racing per se. In doing so, we wreaked a few times, got insanely muddy AND.... got to the kegs first!!
We ran into some locals and we also ran into people that remembered us from last year. That is the beauty of Punk Bike...hanging with people you don't know, drinking beer and sharing laughs for the one common love of bikes. Can't wait for next year!
Pre-race Meeting
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
D&D Spud Night
Diner and Drink What you'll think ???? Spuds good suds and some food...Thinkin the week or weekend of the 13th, 14 th of November...Location not important, good food and proper beer is...
Start the thinkin caps and we can pick a spot....Get the word out to fellow Spuds...and sponsors....
Spud racer
Friday, October 9, 2009
Spud Nite Rides
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hanover Century
The day was a little overcast, but we missed all the rain....Event appearred to be well attended... With ICE CREAM at the end ....YEH !!!!
See U SPUDS at the BEAR CR Show Down...
Bring the Shit this is it!!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Rattling Creek Wa - who Rocky Race
PT finished SSR !!!!! YEH MAN ....GOOD Ride !!!!!!
Congrads go To ALL RC Racers....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Atta Boy!!
also the GUL for trail running 13 miles ( 1/2 marathon) and finishing pretty high up in the old man catagory.
Spud out Linds
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
My Ride in Arizona
Friday, August 7, 2009
W 101 WOW
That didn't stop the race pace. As always most went out fast at the start, today was no different. Saw lots of old and new freinds. Most finished.
Well now. JS (the torch) lit the 100 mile course on his SS 69er. This man can move on a bike. 9hrs. 40 some...Shit man WAY TO GO!!!!!!! Can't say alot else...GLAD TO HAVE YOU AS A TEAM MATE !!! SPUD !!!
GUL finished in the not so blazing time of 11hrs. 50 some...SSR Surly 29er. Have to say had more fun on the SS. And added that check mark.
Congrads . go out to all....Gung-Ho and Cycle-works riders. GOOD Ride !!
GUL out
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Spuds on the Podium Again and Spud Jon was seen ridin a Mtb Bike!!!
You guys are just awesome!!!!! Way to Represent!!
** Also Kudos to our other AWOL Spud Jon for getting on his bike and doing the 40 miler at Michaux on Sunday. GUL and myself were at the Michaux race giving him a bunch of support and &&*^#^%!!!! We hung the spud banner on Mile 32 way up in the mountain to give him a Spud boost. We think it worked cause he broke his chain right after he saw the banner. ( all that xtra adrenaline )
Spud out
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Nite race/ Pre ride tomorrow
Any Takers? They are doing a daylight ride...
Im kicking the idea would be super easy points for us Spuds cause we all have Awesome Killer lites.
Spud out
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Congrats to Randy!!!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Michaux Spuds
GUL and Buddy the spud dog are onsite on the course hiking around cheering the Spuds on. GUL hung the Spud banner up on the course at the top of one of the climbs to give the guys a boost!!
Spud Race Report to follow soon...
linds :o)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Marysville/ 3 Top Ten spuds

Awesome Job to Spud Randy and Dewey for winning CASH!!! ( 2nd place Duo, 5th overall fastest team)
Also hats off to GUL for riding a Single Speed for 9 hrs and finishing a tough 4th place.
I hung in there for 8.25 hours and finished in 8th place. What a brutal day on such a fun course!! All you did was hop hop hop logs... I battled bee stings ( got stung on lap 1), had a couple mishaps and monkey butt by the end of the day.
All the Spuds represented and we definately missed you Beach Spuds!! You guys would have rocked the course and had a great time!! Once again, strangers, fellow racers shouted Support and spread Spud Love throughout !!!
Overall, A Great Sat. race was put on by the Visit PA guys and the Spuds had a very SPudlike day!!!
Spud out!! by a very tired sore Spud Linds. I feel like ive been run over by a Spud truck!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Spuds on Top
Randy...your forgiven for Marysville...We saw Dewy in the Tractor Supply store Fri nite and laughed about the whole situation. We just like giving you grief!!
Spud out
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Marysville - 9 hours of Spud

Spud Linds and GUL are flying solo for TEAM SPUD. 9 Hours of SPUD Love!!!! GUL is getting the Single Speed ready!!! We are goin up early Fri. to set up Camp Spud..then coming back in for Sat AM....
*** Randy. You can Spud Off!!!..**Seeing your name with another team .... Its definately NOT cool... NOT representing your team!!!
I found this Photo of Jon from last years Stoopid 50 looking for this years photos.
Awesomre photo of Jon floatin through the Mtn.Laurel. Jon we miss ya!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
When things go Bad.......
He's got some painfully crazy stories, about the day. I wish i could have seen you hanging on to the back end of the front group getting pulled up the mountain!!!
Once again, his Santa Cruz failed him and he had the flat tire, shifting issues, and I think his seat fell off!!
GUL also had some bad wrecks and dehydration cramping issues BUT the Spud FINISHED !!
Awesome effort Larry...
PS..Im buying you a real bike for next year.
Nobody rides a 26" bike any more...
Spud Linds
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Stooopid 50 Map
Check it...
Spud Out
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lots of competition showing up..I could use some HELP!!! Even the F boys from the Springs...Man we had to race to beat those guys...They are Fast..
Weather looks like it's gonna be NICE....Hopefully the Laurel will be in bloom...
Talk about B....U...tifulllll....
Thinking about camping after the race...Taking Monday OFF...YEHHH
Spud out
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wisconsin Spud
Ran a couple miles along a Lake Trail this Am before my seminar started.... I'm running again tomorrow.... I wish i had a bike to cruise around on!!!
Im not racin at Danville but will be there to support my Spudmates....
Spud out
The course is up and down. 3,500ft of climbing in the Sport class, 4,500 Expert. Bring the OXYGEN...
Looks like weather should be Good. Mass start last year. The mass start seemed to work OK..See everyone at the TOUR....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Spuds at Iron Hill
ROB 1st XC
Linds 6th Enduro
Randy 11th XC.. WOW out of how many Reg..??
Paul 15th Enduro
6AM.. The Spuds roll from GUL's Drive. Linds, UL, Paul and Rob. Rain is in the forecast.This brought discussion of Tires?? Turning around.???? What ..NO F'n way!!! Were Spuds!!!!!..Forget the monetary and physical damages suffered at the Granogue Mudfest...
Hit the DE Line...Rain drops are a fallin and continue for the next hour..
Found a great spot for the Spud tent during the race... with a bike rack...
What Great Host @ Iron Hill....
Rain stopped,, Enduro and beginner's start...Corse is very slick in spots,wet roots etc...
9am enduros' go out and go out fast...They get in a knub to knub line.... Hit the bridge and Linds needed a closer look..Sidewall blows and down she goes...She's OK ...Good thing!! Back for the repair and finished 5 Laps....WOW..Way to go!!!!
PT Man,,, Is Paul looking strong,,, out fast and continued that pace...Finished six laps....Nice strong race for Paul, in a very strong field.... Nice finish!!!!
Now to the XC Spuds..
Rob Is The Man!! Wins by over 10min. 1st place.. Need I say More???
Randy was out strong and in fourth place..Ended with an 11th...NICE!!!
Spud out,,
Rob Spud rocks Iron Hill!!!
Nice effort to all Spuds at Iron Hill!!.
GUL did an all important FINE job of taking care of all the Spuds at the Spud Support Tent by feeding us bottles, wrenching, screaming, cheering, cowbelling and harrassing the competition as they went by.
**Gul is supposed to write a race report so I wont go in to any details...
more to come shortly!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Spud news
**GUL ran half a marathan ( 13 MILES) last weekend and kicked butt finishing 7th in the old guys catagory!! Thats awesome!!!
**Scroggy almost got hit by a car, riding on the road and went down pretty hard... I hope you and your Buds are healing up!!
**I heard Randy Spud did some race down in VA again and finished well.
** Im sitting here at work thinking about this weekend, I absolutely hate the course at Iron Hill but im hoping just to stay on the bike for 4 hours and ride .
Spud Out
Monday, May 18, 2009
Spud Tent Camo
Spud on
Nice Job Spuds w/ trailwork
Spud Team was Well Represented.
Hey.. we need a Team Spud meeting sometime before Marysville to talk SPUD.( maybe we can have it at MEX_ITALY after a ride for some Fish tacos)
Spud On
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Trail Work On Sunday/ May 17
Spud Out
Monday, May 11, 2009
No Rocktober Spuds!!
Well at least Kuhn knows the Spud team wanted to ride!!
Keep working hard race is Iron Hill at the end of this month..
Spud On..
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Rock -SPUD -tober!!!
SPUD PAUL where is your Name on that rider list?? Its 9:30. SAt nite.. the deadline is in 2 1/2 hrs to sign up.... but hey ( if you miss the cutoff..GUL and your spudmates will spring for the extra twenty!!)
Spud On!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
GUL pouring it on!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Spud Tent
Paul, its White so you can decorate or dye it orange!!
Spud On!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Spuds on the Mass Podium ..already!!!
Spud Colors flying High already!!! Sweeettt!!
We gonna represent at Granogue... hopefully we shall have everyone there...
Spud On!!!
Linds ;O)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Go Out Fast Spuds!!
I except only Spud colors on those Podiums.. ;O)
Seriously, Good Luck tomorrow.. may the Spud mojo be with you!
Spud ON!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hey Spuds, Im Blogging..... its had to get motivated when the rain pours and your super tied up with work stuff. Got a huge monkey off my back today by passing an adjusters exam down in Baltimore that I needed. Grumpy Uncle Larry gave me props everytime he answered the phone today, and called me a "SPUD CHAMPION".
Remember Spuds, work hard but no matter what happens... just remember.. we are already Champs!
Spud out
PS...Speaking of champs...GUL and his brother both ran 15K ( 9 miles plus)in another Trail Run Race this past Sat morn in the RAIN!! They both finished and got some Porkie the Pig tshirts,, thats just plain Awesome!!!
** Paul, hope your having a ball out in the Desert and Mountains of AZ!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Hey Spuds, whose racing at Fair Hill on April 19?
GUL and I arent racing until Granoque which is the First Enduro on May 3.
Spud out
Friday, April 3, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
GutBuster Time/ and Spud Motto for 2009
Weather outlook for tomorrow looks to be a 20-30% chance of rain in the Am, actually brightening around kickoff at 11:00. Spud On!!
Spud Motto for the year as stated by Spud Xers GUL& Linds,"KEEP PUSHING PLAY"...
which means when you've had enough and your beat to the ground..get up and keep pushing play and do it again...
Spud out
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Word of the Day..Spudellycious.....
Spud X runners getting might have to get GUL to run the first leg of the relay...he's turning into a rabbit..
Spud On!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Blue Ridge Ride the Ridge

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Spud Randy @ O' Hill Meltdown Charlottesville VA
Friday, March 13, 2009
Spud Run/ Sat AM 10:00 Lakes George St Parking Lot
Spud Report to follow later
Spud Out
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Race Report/ GUL Harassed By Senior Runner
GUL totally lost his che" at this point and probably had some choices names for the senior.
What is it about being a Spud..........Why do we always get yelled at?..
***, Congrats to GUL for another finish,,and for keeping his cool in the line of fire.
Im glad you didnt use Kempo X on her,,,!!
Spud Linds
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Spud Hats
Will be ready next week.
Spud Paul out!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sat. Ride??
kick it around in those spud heads of yours...
Spud out
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Bite me
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
GUL brings it and finishes in front of 306 other runners!!
ice, snow and rain through some woods near Reading with 700 other maniacs. I asked him how he did and he replied.." I ran like a F*n bolt of lightning".
True to form, UL finished like a spud even though he had boo boo belly after eating too many cola gummies before the race....
Nice Run Spud !!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Spud Ride - 10:00am Redman boat launch
Paul, UL, Scroggy, and Linds so far...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
get your SpudWarrier on
You feel awesome afterwards...:O)
Spud On
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Uncle Larrys Ugly Mudder
The event is this upcoming Sunday and heres a little clip from
Check it out:
(returning to its traditional date-last Sunday in Feb)
Trail Treaders and Road Warriors;
1) So far, an alarming 440+ folks have been granted passes from the places in which they are institutionalized to attend next Sunday's Ugly Mudder Trail Run. A crowd of between 650-700 waifs and wanderers is expected. If you do not register in advance, you potentially run the same fate as the unexpectedly large walkup crowd at last month's Chilly Cheeks, where we ran out of small, medium and XL before all had been registered. Don't miss these 7.25 miles of trails that are now getting spongy from the snow that was on them, followed by 45 degree days. At least 2 boulder fields are in this event as well (virtually the entire course is different from the Chilly Cheeks) so running in either spikes or high heels is not recommended. AND, because of a slight course change we made over the last two years, there will be TWO water stops that also feature alternative, grain based refreshments and we're NOT talking about runny oatmeal.
This event, normally the 2nd largest rustic trail run in the U.S., crosses Rocks & Roots, Leaves & Leeches, Mud & Muck and Hill & Dale (while "Dale" remains fine , we lost "Chip" in '07 while tragically attempting a road crossing). This kinda tuff trek takes you thru the woods of Mt Penn, under Rdg's famous Pagoda and up a taxing finish thru one of the boldest boulder fields in Berks! These are the trails that are TOO UGLY to be put into Rdg's other trail runs, with ugly footing, ugly climbs, ugly conditions and volunteers that, while not all that attractive either, have "great personalities!" The post race party is already legendary; with a hot breakfast, a not-as-hot band, cold European suds available at almost outlet prices & all the other wacky offerings you've come to expect from Pretzel City Sports. LEGAL - EEZE: You race at your own risk; you alone are responsible for your welfare at all times!! A piece of pasta with love handles couldn’t get thru most of these trails, let alone an ATV, so if you get dinged, please crawl to a point where you can hitch a ride back to the start with your one remaining hand. We will have an EMS crew there but their truck is "warm" and our course is "cold" so where do you think they're going to spend their time??!! While this is a "run in the park", it's no "walk in the park" As such, we only let you in if you are 1)18 or older (16 or 17 yr olds may run with a parent present-no exceptions)
2) comfortable with the term "did someone step on a duck" and 3) know the difference between a "30 yr old wine" and a "30 yr old whiner"; free to bring us the "former", leave the "later" at home.